Monday, 7 May 2012


Making the most of a bank holiday weekend,  I managed to climb a hill,  do some plumbing around the house and make a tornado using Blender's smoke simulator.

Inspiration and technical tips fron a tutorial by Thomas Piemontese on

The most time consuming part was creating the house in a way that would disintegrate properly.  If I had more time, I would like to re-work the way the building parts are caught-up in the vortex,  some are moving way too fast for their mass.  Edit:  done

Edit 13th May: I re-did the physics for the disintegrating building and uploaded a new video.
It was thanks to a tutorial I came accross while browsing Andreu Cabré's site (original at BlenderDiplom) that helped most in figuring out how to control the particle distruction of the house. 

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